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Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York • Page 1

Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York • Page 1

Binghamton, New York
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ONLY EVENING NEWSPAPER IN BINGHAMTON A MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS THE WEATHER oFAnThc PRESS Want KtAJLI Pagei daily. It may mean money in your pocket if you do. It has for others. AM Generally fair tonight and Wednesday: slightly cooler. AND LEADER PRICE ONE CENT TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 29, 1909.


Woodill and Broker Former President on Record as Eastman Is a Closed Incident so rar as Authorities Are Concerned Favoring Governor Plan for Direct Nominations That Kastman was In need of SOME COMPARISONS DRAWN money; that he probably had been getting money from Mrs. Woodtll for some time; that he undoubtedly knew Unltliiiorc, June 2ft. "Robert E. Eastman killed Edith May Thompson Woodill or was accessory to the mnrdfir" was the compromise verdict something of her past life anil tnat Mr. Taft's Corporation Tax Not of the Coroner's Jury at St.

Michael's he had been blackmailing her; tnai he attempted to continue this practice and the woman rebelled, intimating Mentioned in Republican National Platform last night. Four of the Jurymen refused to sign unless the words "or aa accessory to the murder" were that she too had found out certain things about Eastman and that If driven to It would expose him. to the verdict. The four jurors Eastman's dread of serving a term (From the Albany Botmh of The Pres. hPiiove the story of the crime as re In the penitentiary Is well known.

His Albany. June 29. The friends and lated in the letter of Eastman io ma That a Jealous woman, one of a wife ha Bald that no tola ner no would commit suicide rather than confined in prison. The pawning of foes of direct nominations are preparing for a strenuous campaign tls launch party, struck Mrs. wooa.u nit Fall at the election or Assemoiymen with a champagne Dome the Jewelry, the authorities set aown to the desire of Eastman to gft awav.

When cornered the man decided that The supporters of the proposed fled, leaving her body on Eastmans his race had been run and that he haa hands. ci.t.'d Atrnmpv Turner haa an- better make an end to It all. as to why Mrs. Woodill went to the bung. with the change In the election system say that the attitude of former President Theodore Roosevelt on primary reform as reflected in a letter Is in-tprpstlne at this time.

In this letter. nnnncpd mat no i alow there was no evidence. rnse. With this announcement the Mrs. Vinna Bradume Eastman, the broker's widow, accompanied the cor strange dual tragedy, involving the hpautiful protege of Mr.

Lyman j. which he sent to the national confer Gage, former Secretary of the Navy, fitiv from New York Jus. ence, held in New York City In 1898 BUU mo ,0 tice, becomes a ciosea incianui ar concerned. for the purpose of discussing the defects of the various systems of primary elections, Mr. Roosevelt took noslnn to exnress himself on this oner's Jury to the bungalow.

Througn. the long, hot, tiresome trip and during the time the inquest was In progress, she did not shed a tear. When she caught sight of her husband's desolate grave she gave a shudder, her shoulders quivered and Rhe had to be half carried, half supported by her cousin Louis B. Peddler, of Washington, I). C.

The Jury which held the Inquest over the body of Eastman and which declared that the man came to his Ha III'" niiiuxi -1 The letter left by Eastman for nls wife, in which he declared that Mrs. Woodill had been killed by a woman in a Jealous frenzy, was not read to r.r Th ft officials seemed to take T.mnositlon. and In expressing his re gret at his inability to attend the con vention saw: "Tt Is needless to say that I cordial It for granted that all of the evidence unearthed since the finding of the v.i.. tupii known to the rest- ly sympathize with your movement to r.lArm nrimarles. It is true that a i.

that It death by his own nana, was in ne-slon this morning. Before this Jury dents oi tne commu.i.ij unnecessary that It should again reformation of the primaries will not solve all the evils, but It will appreciably minimize the bad effects that cr.T-ir.B- frrvm rprtain causes nowpotent Mrs. Eastman appearea ana exnimieu her wedding ring bearing the initials of the dead man to establish her Iden in nnr noHtlps. The problem before be rehearsed. Much of tho testimony given before the Jury was deeply Interesting and made clear many points In the tragedy which heretofore have been matters of conlecture.

The mysterious launch which was reported as having tity. this people is very largely how to stir TViaae formalities over, she accom runliTOhlp Citizens UD lO ineiT uuuco, on tr. maua those duties easy to per panied by her siBter and cousin, went to the bungalow which had been oc form, while at the same time tViB Iprs reoutable portion of been seen near tne oungaiow on Sunday following the disappearance WnnrHll did not materialize cupied by her hushana. Alter a iw minutes in the house she walked over to the little mound of earth, fresh in ths evidence. Kesinems ui the community both of the chance to commit frauds in politics and of the opportunity to be rewarded for committing them." In view of the recommendation neighborhood of the bungalow were plied wltn questions pa mo V.

nAna hllll HPPTI It. made by President Taft for a tax on th parnlners of corporations or an tca nnpi was seen aDOUt tne nunsaiuw and unmarked, oeneatn wmcu i- Rastman's body. For a few Mrs. Eastman stood In silence. Then, recalling perhaps the happy dajs when she was a bride she wept.

Mrs. Eaatman left St. Michael's last evening, but her affairs will be looked after by her lawyer, W. Mason who will ask for letters of administration upon the estate. on the Sunday when Mrs.

Woodill was slain. There was absolutely no evidence that any one other than r-nnid have been responsible for Income tax, friends of the direct nominations system are drawing comparisons between the attitude of the Re-niiritirm -wir(l Governor 9w th crime. And tne nnai tneory ui From the New York World. Uinrhsi and PrpRldent Taft. the authorities is this: 'HOT' "There was nothing In the Republican national platform abont an Income tax," said an advocate of direct nominations today, "and it was not a TjonnhHran issue In the campaign.

PRESIDENT TAFT SEARCHING JERSEY TOWNS FOR LING SENATORS WILL HORSEMEN STRAND EQ IN YOKOHAMA, JAPAN Yet there has been no attempt on the DDriopn ITIflN OF part of the New York bosses to read PKUOttU I IUH Jr SUGAR TRUST STOPS Mr. Taft out of the Republican party for advocating a policy of the highest Imnnrtance that had not been en OPPOSE CHANGE IN HEARS PLEAS OF WHISKY EXPERTS Police Cordon Tightening About Comparatively Narrow Territory PITTSBURG'S CAR STRIKE SETTLED BY MAYOR'S THREAT Race Suppression of Gambling at dorsed by the national convention, Among the arguments most fre- statute of Limitation Bars Further Tracks Kills tne oame TAX AMENDMENT nn.ntiv uRpd aeainst the adoption of Action By Government ew York, June 29. The police Ran Francisco, June 29. The anti- cordon thrown about the compara ramhitntr crusade which has swept New York, June 29. With all the lively narrow territory comprising Question That Puzzled Roosevelt Paterson, Passaic, Hackensack and needed evidence presentea to over Japan and caused the closing vi President's Plan Is Approved by He 16 race tracks has left hundreds or other neighboring towns in New Head of City Told Company Administration Comes Up Again high class horses stranded.

These Jersey Is tightening today around a the Republican Leaders in Upper House facts are given by J. J. M. Carst, a Would Take Over All Its Lines number of Chinamen, among whom the police hope to find trace of Leon business man of Yokohama, just ar Federal Grand Jury, and with several Indictments drawn, the Government's case against the Sugar Trust for preventing the opening and operation of the Pennsylvania Sugar Refining Company fell to the ground yesterday with a thud. Trust lawyers virtually convinced District Attorney Wise that rived in this city.

Ling, the supposed murderer of Elsie J. G. CARLISLE IS PRESENT the direct nominations system in this State is the assertion that it was not Included in the Republican State platform. The clique of bosses who now control the party machinery bitterly assail the Governor because he has championed the cause of the party voter against them. Yet he had already advocated direct nominations when they named him for Governor the second time and when they renominated him they said of him In their platform: 'We endorse the administration of Governor Hughes, who has- shown himself a courageous executive, resolved to accomplish what be believes to be for the public good.

YEBEZDELM ROW "After the war racing became very THE RATE MAY BE REDUCED Sigel. AGREEMENT MADE OUICKLY popular In Japan and in the other oriental countries" he Bald. "In Former Secretary of treasury Fifty of the best detectives of Inspector McCafferty's staff have been opnt into this district and the concen Belief -Is General That the Pro Japan the game was played on a Employes Win Every Point in the tration of so many of them virtual Appears as Attorney for Distillers the statute of limitations operated to prevent any possibility of a successful prosecution. The intention had been grand scale." posed Measure Will Be Held Constitutional ly in one spot lends color to tne oe-iipf that important Information. At e6me of the race meetings a mu Controversy and Return to Work to bring In the Indictments yester lion dollars would pass through the so far carefully guarded from the public, in the possession oi me hands of the bookmakers, Mr.

Carst day. Mr. Wise will sail for Europe today said. Then came the crusaae, ioi police. A solution of the mystery, how June 29.

At 10:30 last pvpr. was apparently Just as far away Washington, June 29. In the sweltering heat of the cabinet room, filled with expert whisky men and lawyers. President Taft labored again today with the question which tho Roosevelt found so vexing on the Kaiser Wilhelm II. So slight is the Government's chance of bring lowed by the decree forbidding gambling on the race a tracks.

The hnrse owners were hard hit. Plans night through the efforts of Mayor today as ever and the detectives are still working upon the latest definite that of the removal of the trunk William A. Magee, tae sirmo ing In an Indictment that would with Par men was adlustea ana have been made to have meetings at Vladivostok, where betting is still per stand attack that Mr. Wise would not fmm the N'nwark restaurant to the Washington, June 29. The amend-j ment providing for a tax on the net earnings of corporations will not be amended on the floor of the Senate if the plans of the leaders are carried out, but it is entirely possible that the rate of 2 per cent may be decreased In conference, provided the President approves such decrease.

In all discussion of the proposed tax mitted. returned to their cars at 5 a. morning. after having been off Just Eighth avenue rooms of Leon Ling over the Chinese restaurant. what is whisky?" The entire time of the President, mppt- postpone his departure, though he considered such a course for several hours.

He will not return for five MUST BE SETTLED IH THE COURTS Representative of Orinoco Corporation Is Sued for Criminal libel i Vinnra. previoua to tne rt-suiai CHINESE MURDERER It Is apparantly a complete viciu.j weeks. mpn. Every The statutes provide that no prose BOY INVITES MATES TO "HEAR BIG NOISE LEAVES FOR ORIENT lng, was consumed in listening i m-gument on the exceptions made to the opinions of Solicitor General Bow ceded by the company save that of cution may be begun for an act com 2 per cent. has.

been usea as a matter of convenience, although there has In unitorm even mitted more than three years ago, and Has Saved Enough Money to Enable off duty. The men had claim practically all the trust did to keep the new refinery in Philadelphia Him to Live In Comfort Throws Lighted Match In Powder Can and Four Are Hurt closed was done prior to the Sum never been any determination to fix the tax at that percentage. The rate will be determined by the estimates now being prepared as to the revenue such a tax will yield, although 2 per cent, has been used in the discussion n.F.i pa a mattpr of convenience. DAMAGING STATEMENTS mer of 1906. The more important acts were committed as far back as Hornell, June 29 Yesterday Archie Los Angeles, June 29.

Although he has served in State prison 22 of the 88 years he lias been In the United ers covering the various pnases ot mo controversy. "The straight whisky" representatives had their Inning at the hearing today. They were John G. Carlisle, former secretary of the treasury and Edmund M. Taylor of Frankfort, Ky.

While they agreed with Mr. Bowers that neutral spirits is not whisky, yet they directed their principal arguments against his conclusion that neu-oriirits mixed with whisky still 1903. to ed that a man had the right to drink if he saw fit after his day's work was done, but this was denied by the company and a motorman caught drinking after his day's work was discharged. This question will be submitted to arbitration. The company agrees to reimburse a motorman laid off six days for notj insisting in clearing a wrecked wagon King, aged 8 years, found a can of powder which had beeii thrown away by another boy whose mother would When the conferees have completed their work on the schedules they will hp in a nnaitinn to determine with BREAD AND BEER DIET Plaintiffs in Action Object Statements Made in Newspapers not permit him to keep It.

Last evening v.mintr Kine Invited a number of FOR RAILROAD KING children to come and "hear the big States, Fook Goom, a cninamin, started for his native country today to spend the remainder of his days with enough money to make life easy for him. Goom was convicted of murdering a man in Fresno nearly a quarter of a ppntury ago, and sentenced to life Im nniKP" When tne ennaren nan may be sold under the pure food law to the public as whisky. They main gathered on the lawn of Mrs. Elster, Austrian Specialist Tells Harriman He off the tracK, to mam a u. -v ule, etc.

considerable accuracy the revenue to be expected from the customs duties, and the estimates of the revenue from the corporation tax will also be before them. If the two combined yield only sufficient to carry on the government, there will be no change, but If it is apparent that a tax of 1 or 1. or even 1 per cent, will be ample to supplement the customs receipts, the re Must Get Fat 4a pnnrpripfl mai iij" tained that sucn is imuauuu y.h..-.p.j and that, if the decision of the solicitor on this point be upheld by the the street car lines Caracas, Venezuela. June 29. The case of the Orinoco Corporation and the Venezuelan Government, which, according to the arbitration protocol of last February, is to be settled directly between the parties concerned, has entered upon sensational caused the settlement.

Semmerinsr. Austria, June 29. E. prisonment in San Quentin. Four vears ago he was paroled and has vpotprrtav was a aay oi uiwi President it wouia De soia uu ma market under a misapprehension, not King Is sala to nave aruppea a usmcu match in the can with the result that a terrific explosion followed.

Injuring four children. King and a 2-year-old child, Ella Elster were so badly hurt that they are said to be dying today. The other Injured. Judson Elster, agpd 5. and Margaret Elster, aged 7, while badly burned, will recover.

though no effort was made to turn a H. Harriman has been tola tnat nis salvation lies in getting fat. He must since been working for 40 a monin ul Thorp was a sutanii'ii duction or tne rate win ue n.nrnr this mipKtion of revenue saving a total of t70Q. small 'riots, and one at the Ranjci" confusion of spnatnr Aldrlch has been re put on flesh. Professor Struempell has made a thorough examination of the financier and came to ths that he is under-nouvlshed.

barns proved serious, between strikers and 14 county detectives who were conducting strike BISONS REFUSE TO withstanding the intention oi congress to legislate against all whisky that is not genuine. Mr. Carlisle devoted most of his attention to reviewing the legal decision In support of his position. One of those upon which stress was laid, was the opinion of Attorney General Taft. father of the President, to the effect that alcohol is not whisky." peatedlv quoted as saying that the tariff bill, as reported to the Senate, After a newspaper campaign of weeks, on the part of rival claimants, uLi, cf the.

American NAMES CHINAMAN GO TO CANADA would produce all the revenue neces Mr. Harriman uppea me scaics ai 144 pounds, and the Professor, after IN DIVORCE SUIT protocol. Xicomedes Zuolaga ana Pedro Uztaris, claimants to the Ima-T- in nnnosition to tne sary to carry on tne have been many reductions nrprinsr tne tiarnmau nu. an Larger Part of Montana Herd Ij Pre from the rates as reporter. over, it must be recalled that Mr.

nounced tnat nis liaunuu miki the fattening cure. sented to united states Bookkeeper In Curio Shop Charged breakers. Pernaps buji fired rocks thrown and clubs used. John Rondo, a strike sympathizer, had his right ear torn from his head by a bullet. James Lappa, a-striker, got a bullet through his left arm that shattered the bone.

John E. Englert a county detective, was clubbed and beaten bv strikers; his condition is priou. Richard T. Brown, a county detective, was kicked and beaten into insensibility by the strikers: he is con- tiHriph nua inert his statemeni vy oaj- Plenty or cereals, large qualities oi Corporation, have brought suit for criminal libel against Rudolph Dome, the representative here of the corporation, charging him with having r-prtaln documents with Improper Conduct 1 ZEPPELIN AIRSHIP ing that probably for two years there milk, much meat ana, aoove an, un Snokane. June 29.

A sec iould be a steadily diminishing deficit SUFFERS ACCIDENT Turnbull until after which the Surplus wouia oe ample to make the pr.vlou. short limited malt Deer, was me oituuu-pell prescription. Mr. Harriman on receiving the ad laughed and exclaimed: ond attempt by Canadian officers In charge of the Pablo bison herd at Re-velli, to load the animals for t.f tH country ana Sew York, June 29. Frank B.

Paulsen, chief clerk In the auditing department of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, has brought suit In aee. In tne opinion m.mivri of Comsress, not thpn iHvinB- thpm publicity. Turnbull finorl In the aiCK-eespun nwiiiuu. Overheating ot Machinery Compel It to Make Descent Ipft rararaa 14. These papers In addition to these another score shipment to the Dominion, aiter bcv-.

work, resulted in corral- only are Mr. Aiancn extremelv optimistic, but it is unwise deliberately to enact a revenue meas are said to be exceedingly damaging to Messrs. Zuolaga and Uztaris. snow-k niippd titles to tne ine only or half the number of of Injured limped away or were nejp ed away by friends. FLEET IS EKEAKJXG UP.

"Three cneers ior Dn-u mm urtrr. He will remain at Semmering until July 15. practicing this fattening diet, and then go to Eandaste to take radium baths. S. S.

HOUXAXTJ WEDS. c- Vvani-io. June 29. Samuel the Supreme court ior aivmuc his wife and has named Sun Chann, a Chinese cashier and bookkeeper in a Chinese curio shop, in Fifth avenue In the complaint Mr. Paulsen charges that Mrs.

Paulsen and the bisons purcnaseu government last year. The task of im the animals is a hard Imataea mine are not valid. Zuolaga End Uztaris reserve the right, in tneir complaint, to 'bring action against John Brewer, the American consular Vpnuart Xews, Va- June 29. The Th hlsnns reoeatedly broke ure which will resun in "'V-" for the first two years, even If that deflfit should be wiped out later. The leaders explain that their pur-rose In resisting all amendments to the amendment Is to avoid any pos-r-pndprtne- it unconstitu fpnpps.

many finally escap breaking up of the Atlantic battlpship pt hpeun yesterday with the sailing Blberaoh, Germany. June 29. The airship Zeppelin traveling from Friedrichshafen to Metz, landed here this morning on overheating of its machinery- which caused a fusing or certain metal parts. The landing was emoted during a rainstorm without difficulty. Duplicate of th damaged machinery have been sent I ior.

Chinese were lounu room In a boarding house in this city spveral weeks ago. Mrs. Paulsen. agent here, and any other person ira trip battlpships Kansas and Missis ing to the hills. The round-up has been abandoned and the remainder of the herd, some 500 animals, will be United states Govern through her lawyer, earn yps.ieru, sHowland.

a brother-in-law of August Belmont and well known In York -and Washington, was se-crey married to Leslie Mosby Wal-facem this city last Wednesday and tional. The amendment as Introduced sippi from Hampton Road3 for Massachusetts Bay. wilt be continued today when the ships of the fourth di- The Venezuelan cabinet two days ago approved the draft of a new con-: kv i irin urn Corpora approved bv the Presidpnt, that she did not aeny nom8 has been approve uy rl. that her relations with ment as a gift from Canada to be preserved in the interest of the Ameri tne jiiwo'i him had always been proper tion the right to work large tracts of with the brwe tary of State. vi'ion.

the Maine, Missouri, umu, censin and Virginia, steam for New port, Rhode Island. lanrl nrtntn ir4ir va 111 ft till mineral re can nation. same aay ui o- sources, including the Iraataca on 1 nchuria for Hong Kong. the U1U.

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